OMNET++ based on C++ Simulation library and
framework enabling for building the simulation network.wireless and wired area
includes in networks .We can execute in eclipse based IDE and graphical run
time environment.We can operate in different component with various
architecture system.
·simulation kernel library
·NED topology description language
·OMNeT++ IDE based on the Eclipse
·GUI for simulation execution,
links into simulation executable (Tkenv)
·command-line user interface for
simulation execution (Cmdenv)
·utilities (makefile creation
tool, etc.)
OMNeT++ Executes unix,linux,windows and Mac Os
Sunday, 8 May 2016
In a system there were number of
sensor nodes are placed for example
nearly 100 wireless sensors . We need to
use these wireless node to sense the atmosphere . A sink node is used to
collect all the data collected by wireless sensors. Initially there were number
of sink node we used so that it all will collect the data sensed by wireless
sensors . But that also became a drawback because there were more energy loss. So
we are using single sink node that will collect all the data from all the
wireless sensors . The sink node is in mobility state. The wireless node is
placed in such a way that it will form a tree structure to transmit the data to
sink node. Once the sink node is placed and the wireless node are placed in
tree structure then the data sensed by it is transmitted to the sink node
through the best way . The sink node is moved from one place to another place
to collect the data sensed by the sensors in that area’s sensor nodes.
Simulation to create Wireless
sensor Nodes:
above snippet is used to create n number of wireless sensor nodes. We have to
pass the value for numnodes when we run the program. The following snippet is
used to create the sink node .
above snippet helps to create the sink node . x , y represents the position of the sink node in
that area also ‘I’ represents the image to be appeared on screen when we run
the program. Both sink and wsnnode are derived from Hostbmac class which we
created in mixim project and we referenced in this current project in
omnet++.Once we derive the class the facilities available in that particular
class get derived by the derived class. The current project is called as the
derived class and the mixim project’s class is called the base class for the
we frame the network if we create 50 wireless sensor node and a sink node they
form tree like structure and started communicating each other and to the sink
node . Once the sink node mobility speed and time interval and acceleration is
set according to that the sink node moves from one place to another.
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Wireless Sensor Network with sink node replacement:
sensor network is used in many area
nowadays. It is mainly used to sense the data through the sensors available . Hence the sensors need to sense some data
over a particular area and need to transmit the data . One of the big dis-advantage
in the wireless sensor is that it can not store large amount of energy. Hence
we need to transmit the data as soon as possible also we need to save the
energy of the sensors. The wireless sensors lost its energy when it move from
one place to another place. Hence we need to avoid the movement of the wireless sensors so that
we can save large amount of energy. For this purpose we use sink node to
collect the data sensed by the wireless sensors also in this system we are
going to make the sink node in mobile state to collect the data sensed by these
wireless sensors.